Dear all,


 first of all many thanks to the developers and people in general that 
spent time on this project making it an affordable CanOpen platform for 


 I'm new on this mailing list and here to explain my problem.


 I'm an electronic engineer and a researcher of University of Brescia 
(Italy) and I'm trying to make the canFestival working on Arduino using 
the Atmega64M1 uC.


 I know that there is the CanFestivino project that is the CanFestival 
porting for the Arduino IDE and the Atmega328p with the external 
controller MCP2515.


 It works but the guy that makes the porting cut several features to fit the 
code with the Atmega328 ROM and RAM.


 I reached it compilable in Arduino starting from the AVR example for the 
ATCAN90128. This uC is very similar to the ATmega64M1.


 The only things that I did was to change the timer, from timer3 to 
timer1 (timer3 is not present on the ATmega64M1) and some tiny 
modifications in the CAN driver.


 Actually my project is compilable in Arduino where I created an example
 to read an analog input (A0) sending it through a PDO each 100ms.


 The only thing to need in order to compile it is the 
 Arduino IDE support files for CAN enabled Amtel AVR chips: ATmega64M1, 
ATmega32M1, ...HERE.


 I cannot figure out 
why but actually the example doesn't work and I'm struggling on 
it....making me a bit crazy because I don't understand why.




 Hope that someone can help me in this....





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