
deploy_with_migrations assumes the pre-existence of the database in question. If the database is there, the migration should proceed, starting with migration #1, but note that for established applications, that's not generally recommended. Some earlier migrations might depend on the existence of models that no longer exist in the app. The very best way to get a new instance of an app up and running is to do db:schema:import, and then db:migrate to pick up the stragglers.

- Jamis

On Nov 13, 2006, at 1:50 PM, jeroen wrote:

sorry Jamis, only just saw your post - didn't follow me to my inbox..

Thanks anyways, I'm looking to write a little recipe that sets up a new
instance of your rails app and database on your
development/staging/productions servers. I'm also looking to generate
apache vhost configs with this recipe.
It should be failrly simple, a macro of existing tasks, but I'll post
my results here anyway once I'm done.

One thing I already encountered was setting up the database. I won't
try to automate the database creation (well.. maybe) but I want to at
least load the schema in the database. I thought this would be as easy
as doing a deploy_with_migrations on an empty database. But the schema
doesn't get imported that way, so I need to do a rake db:schema:import.
Seems weird though, should deploy_with_migrations work?


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