Capistrano does not use the PATH you set in your .bashrc (or similar) script. It can only see the path that is compiled into sshd, and that, typically, only includes /usr/bin and one or two others. If your mongrel_rails script is anywhere else, cap won't find it.

The simplest option is to just make sure your restart_mongrel_cluster task uses the full path to mongrel_rails. Alternatively, you can search the archives for this list to see how to make capistrano use your .bashrc.

- Jamis

On Dec 22, 2006, at 4:56 AM, Bolo wrote:


i try to use this recipe

But each time i saw this error

transaction: commit
 * executing task restart
 * executing task restart_mongrel_cluster
 * executing "mongrel_rails cluster::restart -C
   servers: ["lamp2"]
   [lamp2] executing command
** [out :: lamp2] bash: mongrel_rails: command not found
   command finished

Perhaps when i was testing directly in my server it's working

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mongrel_rails cluster::restart -C
Stopping 2 Mongrel servers...
!!! PID file log/ does not exist. Not running?
mongrel::stop reported an error. Use mongrel_rails mongrel::stop -h to
get help.
mongrel_rails stop -P log/ -c

!!! PID file log/ does not exist. Not running?
mongrel::stop reported an error. Use mongrel_rails mongrel::stop -h to
get help.
mongrel_rails stop -P log/ -c

Starting 2 Mongrel servers...

Where is my error ?



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