Thanks Jamis, this is great. :-)

I appreciate how hard it is to find time for new releases this time of year.

I'll update deprec in the next day or two to reflect the change.



On 24/12/2006, at 3:15 AM, Jamis Buck wrote:


Alright, this finally made it in (as of revision 5774). I didn't use your implementation directly, though, as there were a few issues I had to think about.

Here's how dotfiles work in edge capistrano:

* The dotfile, by default, is called ".caprc" and will be searched for in your home directory. On Unices, this is the ENV["HOME"] variable. On windows, it is "#{ENV["HOMEDRIVE"]}#{ENV ["HOMEPATH"]}". The environment is searched in that order (so if you have HOME set on Windows, it will be used), and if none is found the root directory is used.

* You can override the path to the config file via the -c switch: "cap -c /path/to/.customrc ..."

* You can specify that you don't want to use the config file at all via the -x switch: "cap -x ..."

* The file will be loaded immediately after the "-S" options are processed. Thus, variables you set via -S will be available to the .caprc stuff.

The major difference between the patch you submitted and the way I implemented it is that the .caprc will always be loaded, whether or not other recipe files are specified. (As I mentioned above, you can skip the config loading with -x.)

Thanks for the idea, Mike, and sorry that took so long to get into trunk!

- Jamis

On Nov 21, 2006, at 6:02 AM, mbailey wrote:

I'm loving capistrano. I'm using it for sysadmin tasks as well as rails

I want to be free to use it from whichever directory I happen to be in and still have access to my favourite recipes. I want to be able to run commands on server groups that span projects. I want to use recipe gems
that other developers may not have on their system so requiring them
from a shared deploy.rb may not be appropriate.

Below is a small patch that loads the contents of ~/.caprc before
loading the default recipe file (usually config/deploy.rb).

An example of my .caprc is below:

# RECIPE GEMS - the easiest way I can think of to enable recipe gems

require 'railsmachine/recipes'
require 'deprec'

# SSH OPTIONS - only set this once on workstation rather than on each
ssh_options[:keys] = %w(/Users/mbailey/.ssh/id_dsa)

# ROLES - useful for getting cap shell on horizontal slice of systems
# enables commands like this to span projects when not in
a project dir:
#               export ROLES=scm && cap -v shell
role :scm, 'scm01', 'scm02', 'scm03'
role :rails, 'r01', 'r02', 'r03', 'r04', 'r05'
role :db, 'db01', 'db02', 'db03', 'db04'

Does it look acceptable to go into Capistrano? The main benefit I could
see is making
it more convenient for users to run 'gem install <recipename>' and then
update their
~/.caprc to make the recipes available.



inum:~/work/capistrano/lib/capistrano mbailey$ svn diff
Index: cli.rb
--- cli.rb      (revision 5603)
+++ cli.rb      (working copy)
@@ -289,6 +289,10 @@

       def look_for_default_recipe_file!
+        # load overridable user defaults (if present)
+        if File.exist?(caprc = File.join(ENV['HOME'],'.caprc'))
+          @options[:recipes] << caprc
+        end
         DEFAULT_RECIPES.each do |file|
           if File.exist?(file)
             @options[:recipes] << file

inum:~/work/capistrano/lib/capistrano mbailey$ rake test
(in /Users/mbailey/work/capistrano)
/usr/local/bin/ruby -Ilib -rubygems
"/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.1/lib/rake/ rake_test_loader.rb"
"test/actor_test.rb" "test/command_test.rb"
"test/configuration_test.rb" "test/ssh_test.rb" "test/scm/ cvs_test.rb"
Loaded suite
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.1/lib/rake/ rake_test_loader
..................................................................... . ......................
Finished in 0.039947 seconds.

92 tests, 192 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors



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