On Jan 12, 2007, at 1:22 PM, Julie wrote:

> The way I had installed Capistrano was using "gem install capistrano"
> (we have ruby on rails 1.8.4), currently we have Cap 1.1.0. When you
> guys update Capistrano, is that automatically reflected in the Ruby on
> Rails installer or do we have to do a separate installation for Cap
> this time? And to do that do I need to use the link
> http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/tools/capistrano/ and manually
> copy the lib and bin components?

To update your capistrano install, you need to manually do "gem  
install capistrano" again. That will look for the latest version and  
install it, if it isn't already installed. If you have an older  
version installed, the newer version will be downloaded and installed.

> I have read the changelog for rev 5911 and did not see the spinner
> getting obsolete, maybe not stated there? I am not sure if I need the
> new version of Cap since most changes are related with svn which we
> dont use.

It's not obsolete in capistrano (though it should be), it's obsolete  
in Rails. Rails itself no longer uses the concept of a "spinner",  
since that has been merged into the spawner script.

> Seems like Capistrano stops and restarts the Mongrel servers during
> each deployment. Do you know which specific task does this?

Capistrano itself does nothing with Mongrel. I suspect you've got a  
third-party task installed somewhere that is managing the mongrel  

- Jamis

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