On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 10:13:04PM -0600, Rob Sanheim wrote:
> How does everyone handle security so they can do one step deploys?
> For instance, right now the user we use for our deployments doesn't
> have password-less sudo rights, so I still have to enter a password
> for the mongrel restart.  When I'm deploying many times a day (for
> example - to our staging server), I'd like to just be able to do 'cap
> deploy' and walk away, or even script it to cap deploy on any checkins
> that don't break the build.
> Is there a good 'secure' way to do this?  I was thinking of setting a
> user who could only login via ssh key auth, who would have
> password-less sudo rights, and maybe locking down that user to only be
> able to do svn tasks and mongrel tasks...I'm not sure how to do the
> last part of that, though.  Maybe I'm worrying about this too much and
> I should just setup a strong key and give the user wide open sudo
> rights?

I'm doing key based SSH login and then I have the following in my
sudoers file:

%wheel  ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails

This allows everybody in the wheel group to run the mongrel_rails
command as root without having to supply a password. This coupled with
ssh-agent (or a wrapper around it like keychain[1]) allows me to deploy
without having to enter any passwords.

You can lock this further down by not running mongrel_rails as root but
another user, which might be a good idea in case security holes are
found in mongrel.

[1]: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/keychain/

- Jacob Atzen

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