Looks about right, except you shouldn't need to bump apache. If you  
_do_ need to bump apache, it should be in a separate task, specific  
to the :web role; that'll bite you as-is the moment you need to split  
your app and web roles onto separate machines.

The existing Capistrano deployment recipes are very fcgi-centric, so  
if you're using mongrel you'll definitely have to override some of  
the default tasks.

- Jamis

On Apr 5, 2007, at 2:34 PM, goodieboy wrote:

> Welll right now I just want to get the server started, and start the
> mongrel cluster. I was just about to try this out. Does this make
> sense? Any suggestions? :)
> desc "The spinner task is used by :cold_deploy to start the
> application up"
> task :spinner, :roles => :app do
>   send(run_method,
>     "/usr/local/blacklight/httpd/bin/apachectl graceful"; cd
> #{deploy_to}/#{current_dir} && mongrel_rails cluster::start
>   )
> end
> desc "Restart the mongrel cluster"
> task :restart, :roles => :app do
>   send(run_method, cd #{deploy_to}/#{current_dir} && mongrel_rails
> cluster::restart )
> end
> On Apr 5, 4:29 pm, Jamis Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Apr 5, 2007, at 2:24 PM, goodieboy wrote:
>>> Also, when it gets to the end... it says that the scripts/spinner  
>>> did
>>> not get executed. That's because it's not there. I'm using mongrel
>>> clusters, what should I do to get that to work?
>> What task are you executing?
>> - Jamis
>>> matt
>>> On Apr 5, 4:18 pm, "goodieboy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Great. I have it working now! Is it possible to have it so the  
>>>> output
>>>> can NOT show the username and password?
>>>> Also, the line breaks in my output are "\n". Is there a way to fix
>>>> that?
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> matt
>>>> On Apr 5, 4:15 pm, Jamis Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> You can tell subversion to use a different username+password by
>>>>> setting a couple variables:
>>>>>    set :svn_username, "my svn username"
>>>>>    set :svn_password, "my svn password"
>>>>> If you don't want to set the password explicitly in your recipe  
>>>>> like
>>>>> that, you can make capistrano prompt you for it like this:
>>>>>    set(:svn_password) { Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt 
>>>>> ("Subversion
>>>>> password: ") }
>>>>> - Jamis
>>>>> On Apr 5, 2007, at 2:03 PM, goodieboy wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you for that. I've gotten a little farther from that and  
>>>>>> now
>>>>>> have... well more questions!
>>>>>> My svn user is different than the current logged in user
>>>>>> executing cap
>>>>>> commands. My svn server address is like:
>>>>>> https://svn.com/respos/project-root/rails-root
>>>>>> How exactly would the script now how to log in to the svn
>>>>>> repository
>>>>>> if it assumes the logged in user to be the svn user also?
>>>>>> I have been pressing enter with no password, and the the prompt
>>>>>> asks
>>>>>> for the user name, which I then enter and then the real password.
>>>>>> Seems to work... it then asks for an ssh password. I enter that,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> then it asks me for the svn password again. At that point I enter
>>>>>> nothing, it asks me for the svn username, I hit enter and that
>>>>>> is as
>>>>>> far as I get.
>>>>>> When I ran cap setup, it worked fine.
>>>>>> Why is it getting hung up on that last part, and then not  
>>>>>> asking me
>>>>>> for an svn password?
>>>>>> Thanks for any help you may have,
>>>>>> matt
>>>>>> On Apr 4, 2:28 pm, Jamis Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Apr 4, 2007, at 8:56 AM, goodieboy wrote:
>>>>>>>> Just getting Capistrano running on an app here. The
>>>>>>>> application I'm
>>>>>>>> running is served by mongrel clusters via apache. The
>>>>>>>> application is
>>>>>>>> actually in a sub-directory. So... would I set role :web,
>>>>>>>> "http://
>>>>>>>> www.domain.com/myapp-sub-folder"?
>>>>>>> The role is simply the machine itself, e.g.:
>>>>>>>    role :web, "www.domain.com"
>>>>>>> You would specify the actual path you are deploying to in
>>>>>>> the :deploy_to variable:
>>>>>>>    set :deploy_to, "/full/path/of/myapp-sub-folder"
>>>>>>> Note that this folder will then contain the "releases" and
>>>>>>> "shared"
>>>>>>> directories, created for you by `cap setup'. Each time you
>>>>>>> deploy, a
>>>>>>> new directory is added under the #{deploy_to}/releases
>>>>>>> directory, and
>>>>>>> symlinked via #{deploy_to}/current.
>>>>>>>> Also, the svn repository has a sub folder for the app. So  
>>>>>>>> would I
>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>> set that to the sub folder like:
>>>>>>>> set :repository, "https://mysvn.com/svn-repository-root/
>>>>>>>> #{application}"
>>>>>>> Put, for the repository, whatever you would use when running
>>>>>>> subversion on the command-line. In other words, if the following
>>>>>>> works for you:
>>>>>>>    svn cohttps://mysvn.com/svn-repository-root/application
>>>>>>> Then that URL is what you would put for the :repository  
>>>>>>> variable:
>>>>>>>    set :repository, "https://mysvn.com/svn-repository-root/
>>>>>>> application"
>>>>>>> - Jamis
> >

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