  Once my application is cold deployed, I am unable to stop or restart
the server successfully from cap.  When I execute cap deploy:cold and
subsequently cap deploy:stop, I get the following output:

 * executing `deploy:stop'
  * executing "sudo -u admin /var/rails/hdlogger/current/script/
process/reaper -a kill -r dispatch.spawner.pid"
    servers: ["madphoenix.doit.wisc.edu"]
    [madphoenix.doit.wisc.edu] executing command
 ** [out :: madphoenix.doit.wisc.edu] /var/rails/hdlogger/current/
script/process/../../config/boot.rb:18:in `require'
 ** [out :: madphoenix.doit.wisc.edu] :
 ** [out :: madphoenix.doit.wisc.edu] No such file to load -- rubygems
 ** [out :: madphoenix.doit.wisc.edu] from /var/rails/hdlogger/current/
 ** [out :: madphoenix.doit.wisc.edu] from /var/rails/hdlogger/current/
script/process/reaper:2:in `require'
 ** [out :: madphoenix.doit.wisc.edu] from /var/rails/hdlogger/current/
    command finished
command "sudo -u admin /var/rails/hdlogger/current/script/process/
reaper -a kill -r dispatch.spawner.pid" failed on

Which is perplexing because I shouldn't have gotten this far without
rubygems :)

My spin script is simply:
mongrel_rails cluster::start -C <absolute path to config file>

So do I need to override the deploy:stop task in my deploy.rb to
execute the opposite, or possibly write a "stop" bash script in the
scripts directory?

Conversely, is writing an executable bash script called "spin" still
the preferred methodology, or can I just override a task in deploy.rb
to run the same command from Cap?


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