ENV is a Hash instance, containing all defined environment variables.
However, that's not really going to be the problem, since all it means
is that you don't have one of the (optional) environment variables
set. Rather, the error you are getting occurs when you don't have your
roles configured correctly. Was what you pasted in your original email
the entire contents of your config/deploy.rb? Do you have a file named
Capfile in your top-level project directory? If so, what does it

- Jamis

On 9/4/07, chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When running the cap setup command I am getting the following error:
> executing "umask 02 &&\n    mkdir -p /u/apps/ /u/apps/releases /u/apps/
> shared /u/apps/shared/system &&\n    mkdir -p /u/apps/shared/log &&
> \n    mkdir -p /u/apps/shared/pids"
> /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/capistrano-1.4.1/lib/capistrano/
> actor.rb:545:in `execute_on_servers': The setup task is only run for
> servers matching {:except=>{:no_release=>true}, :desc=>"Set up the
> expected application directory structure on all boxes"}, but no
> servers matched (RuntimeError)
> When looking at the Capistrano code it seems that it is unable to
> obtain any hosts in the following code block.  I What is the ENV
> array?
> # /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/capistrano-1.4.1/lib/capistrano/
> actor.rb :108
> def environment_values(key, use_symbols = false)
>     if variable = ENV[key.to_s.upcase]   ### This is where it seems to
> obtain nothing, then being false
>         values = variable.split(",")
>         use_symbols ? values.collect { |e| e.to_sym } : values
>     end
> end
> Here is what I have in my deploy.rb file:
> set :application, "softballsmart"
> set :domain, "pointytack.com"
> set :user, "chrisolsen"
> set :svn, "/svn-repos/#{application}/trunk"
> set :repository, "svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> set :rails_env, "production"
> role :web, domain
> role :app, domain
> role :db,  domain, :primary => true
> set :deploy_to, "/var/www/apps"
> ssh_options[:keys] = %w(/Users/chrisolsen/.ssh/id_dsa)
> ssh_options[:port] = 22
> I am assuming that something is missing or set incorrectly.  Thanks
> for the help
> >

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