I'm *this* close to putting the --password option back in, and to heck
with security concerns. Pulling that option has opened a can of worms.

Unfortunately, handling local command streams similarly to remote
streams is non-trivial, mostly because of Windows. If someone wants to
take a stab at it, I'll consider a patch, but right now, it is likely
that cap 2.1 will use the --password option to specify the password
for subversion.

Thanks, Tim, for taking the 2.1 preview for a spin. I've been pretty
swamped but I hope to get 2.1 final out "soon".

- Jamis

On 9/18/07, Tim Lucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 02/09/2007, at 10:27 AM, Jamis Buck wrote:
> > *Feature*: The subversion SCM module no longer uses the --password
> > option to authenticate. Instead, it waits until the server prompts for
> > the subversion password and send it that way. This is more secure
> > ("ps" won't show the password anymore), but I'm not entirely sure what
> > the side-effects of this might be, so please report any subversion
> > authentication anomalies.
> Alright giving this 2.1 preview a burl with some of my more
> interesting setups... and though it's great to get rid of the --
> password option, it's now prompting for a password locally when
> querying for the latest revision.
> The culprit is this line in deploy.rb:
> _cset(:real_revision)     { source.local.query_revision(revision) { |
> cmd| with_env("LC_ALL", "C") { `#{cmd}` } } }
> but the password handling is in Subversion#handle_data
> Is there a way to handle local command streams just like the remote
> stream, so we can reuse #handle_data for the query_revision command?
> -- tim
> >

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