
I am trying to deploy to my production server using a non-standard
port, such as 1234 . (Using capistrano, git and github as repo.)

Everything worked perfectly when I used port 22.

I updated the deploy.rb as follows:
ssh_options[:port] = 1234

But now I am getting this error:

'ssh: connect to host github.com port 1234: Connection refused'

The system assumes that I want to connect to the repo at that port,
which I don't. It's the port for my production server. The repo
settings should not be changed! Whatever I try I can't work around
this.  This puzzles me since I assume that quite a lot of people would
use the github capistrano , non-standard port combination but didn't
find anything on Google.

How do I set the deploy.rb correctly? Or do I need to change something
It worked fine when I used standard port 22.

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