Hey Bharat,

With regard to your question about whether or not namespaces are required..
they aren't ... they do make keeping your code organiesd a lot easier

The magic tasks that constitute callbacks in 1.4.x are deprecated, and have
been replaced by the
which are called... as you guesed as such:

after("deploy:update_code", "link_public_dirs")
after("link_public_dirs", "package_assets")

... or ...

after("deploy:update_code", "link_public_dirs")
after("deploy:update_code", "package_assets")

depending how you actually want that to work... be aware, also - that if (as
you probably are aware) ... you are implicitly inside a transaction{} block,
and one of your tasks fails, then the whole transaction will be rolled back.

-- Lee H

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bharat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2008/10/26
Subject: [Capistrano] Capistrano 2.x best practices for namespaces
To: Capistrano <capistrano@googlegroups.com>

I am migrating a Capistrano 1.4.1 application to 2.5.0.  Towards that,
I want to follow the best practices for Capistrano 2 deployment.  I
have the following callback tasks in my Capistrano 1.4.1 deploy.rb
amongst others:

desc "Execute something with sudo so that it doesn't get stuck waiting
for a password later"
task :before_update_code do
 sudo "date"

task :after_update_code do

desc "Link up any public directories."
task :link_public_dirs, :roles => [:app] do
 run "test -d #{release_path}/tmp || mkdir -p #{release_path}/tmp"
 if app_symlink_dirs || app_upload_dir
   (app_upload_dir.to_a + (app_symlink_dirs || [])) .each do |link|
      target_in_shared = "#{shared_path}/#{link.split("/").last}"
      run "rm -f #{release_path}/#{link}"
      run "ln -nfs #{target_in_shared} #{release_path}/#{link}"

desc "Minify and merge assets"
task :package_assets, :roles => :web do
 run <<-EOF
   cd #{release_path} &&
   rake RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} asset:packager:build_all

As you can see, none of them belong to a namespace, a concept that was
introduced in Capistrano 2.x.  My question is: how should I rename/
package these tasks under a namespace to confirm to Capistrano 2 best
practices.  Another follow up question is: is it necessary to do so?

The reason I ask the follow up question is that Obie Fernandez in his
excellent Rails Way text shows that you don't have to put the
callbacks (:before_update_code, :after_update_code) in a namespace --
see pages 693 and 694.  But what about the link_public_dirs and
package_assets tasks which are being called from :after_update_code
callback, should they not be packaged under a namespace?  If yes then
can someone show a snippet please?

Another confusion that I have is that when to use
task :after_update_code do


callback or when to say

after "deploy:update", :link_public_dirs

Are they the same?  If yes then what should I do to call multiple
tasks such as:

task :after_update_code do

What is the equivalent syntax in

after "deploy:update", task1, task2 ???

Or are we talking about two different things here?

A lot of questions, but I thought I will ask more experienced people

Thanks in advance for your time.


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