I will take this moment to say:



Yeah, Solaris does crap like this all the time. I'm afraid I'm going to give up on supporting solaris out of the box, because it isn't worth losing my sanity over. If someone wants to start a wiki somewhere with instructions on how to make the standard capistrano tasks work on solaris, that would probably be best. Then, when people encounter things like this, there will be a single place to point them.

- Jamis

On Dec 1, 2008, at 10:22 AM, RogEr wrote:

Its Solaris Nevada(Opensolaris). I have never had any problems with
Capistrano in this environment before, it seems that the readlink
command was introduced in Capitrano 2.5.

Doing a rollback works, but since cleanup fails it is not possible to
rollback again to the version before that. So its not a big deal, but
its nice to have everything working.

So if anyone knows a workaround let me know, if not I may look into it

On Dec 1, 5:17 pm, Jamie Orchard-Hays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
which version of solaris? I'm not working with solaris these days, but I have used Cap/Rails a lot on 8 and 10. Solaris doesn't play well and
I have found that I had to write custom versions of some capistrano
commands to work properly.

On Dec 1, 2008, at 4:54 AM, RogEr wrote:

In the latest versions of Capisitrano the cleanup task of the rollback
command uses a command named readlink that does not seem to be
available on Solaris. Anyone know a workaround for this?
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