Thank for the quick response.  You have a good point about the IP
restrictions and it's a good idea to use the all privileges without
the GRANT or removing of other permissions.  I was starting to think
along those lines of extending the base deploy strategy, but I hadn't
read anywhere of people suggesting such a thing, so I didn't know if I
was missing something obvious or being too paranoid.  Thanks for
reinforcing the idea - I'll continue down that path.

On Mar 11, 3:32 pm, Simone Carletti <> wrote:
> I usually grant all privileges to the database user except the ability to
> GRANT or remove other permissions.
> User access is restricted by IP to prevent unauthorized access from an
> external client.
> Capistrano itself doesn't provide any special task for changing privileges
> but you can extend the base deploy strategy with your own tasks if you want.
> You can use Capistrano callbacks to grant/remove permissions before a
> migration task is executed.
> Simone
> --
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 7:50 PM, Ryan <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm pretty new to Rails and Capistrano and am in the middle or
> > deploying my first application.  I'm wondering about the database
> > privileges the production user should have.  It seems to me that the
> > db user should be locked down (only read/write to existing tables, no
> > creating or dropping tables, etc.) when the Rails application is
> > running.  But when the application is being deployed, the user must
> > have those extended privileges to do the migration.  Everywhere I
> > read, the database scripts create a db user will all privileges
> > granted - which works for the deployment, but seems too insecure for
> > everyday use.  Am I wrong in thinking this, and should I just grant
> > all privileges and not worry about it?  Or is there something I'm
> > missing in the Capistrano setup that grants the db user privileges at
> > the beginning, then removes them at the end?  Thanks for any help.
> > Ryan
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