That is the default behavior, you may have to try setting a variable called
:migrate_env, and see what difference that makes, you may have to to set it
with a lambda, something like this:

set(:migrate_env, { stage })

That should not err if stage isn't defined (something you may run into a few
times with multistage) -- only evaluates the {} when the variable is

The actual task definition, is here in the code:

- Hope that helps

2009/6/3 Alexey Zagarin <>

> I have
> set :default_stage, "development"
> set :stages, %w(development production)
> require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'
> in my config/deploy.rb, and I have corresponding files in config/
> deploy/ for each environment.
> However, cap deploy:migrations sets RAILS_ENV=production when it runs
> rake db:migrate.
> >

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