This may be part of it? .. have a read of this, and see if it fits

- Lee

2009/6/3 Elijah Wright <e...@brandorr.com>

> Hi guys,
> I've got a user (inconveniently, in Poland, so major time zone difference)
> who's having trouble doing deploys to one of our multi-host rails
> environments.
> Basically, when he runs cap qa deploy, ssh connections connect then
> eventually go into CLOSE_WAIT state. Hang, boom. Not fun.
> I've managed to eliminate most of the possibles - multiple ssh keys, crap
> system ssh on his end, on the deployment end, etc - and think there might be
> a bug of some sort lurking here.
> He can ssh to the hosts he's trying to deploy to while he's trying to
> deploy (as they're failing / falling to the icky CLOSE_WAIT state..), and I
> can deploy to them perfectly adequately, so I think I've ruled out server
> issues and *mostly* ruled out key issues on his local host.
> How would folks-in-the-know like us to proceed with data collection, and
> what can you think of that might cause this kind of a failure?
> thanks,
> --elijah
> >

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