Your mileage may vary using the remote dependencies and deploy:check... you
should also have a way of managing gems, this can be done through modern
rails (2.x+) or with a specific gem called geminstaller.

- Lee

2009/7/2 cswebgrl <>

> Hi.
> I tried to deploy new Rails app code to a production server the other
> day and took down the live site in production.  I'd like to avoid this
> in the future.  Something happened in the process that affected the
> live site.  The error log showed that fastthread was not found.  I had
> to go into the fastthread gem and run setup.rb.  Then it told me that
> Rails was not installed so I had to do a gem install Rails.  Then
> there were other gems that were needed by the application and not
> found so I had to reinstall those too.
> I have my own staging server that this all worked on, but the staging
> server is able to serve multiple sites so it is not an exact replicate
> of the client's production box.  The Apache setup is such that only
> one site can be served from this machine - the document root in Apache
> is /project/public.
> I've got a couple of questions. 1- Any idea why gems would need to be
> reinstalled?  2- Can I deploy Capistrano without restarting Passenger
> to put the code onto the production server and then once it's all
> there, change the document root in Apache then do a deploy with the
> Passenger restart?
> Thanks,
> Cindy
> >

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