Further, reading Katz' post on how bundler builds the gemfile.lock I
examined my Gemfile and see that I don't specifically require any
version or level either capistrano or net-ssh; so I added things like:
gem 'capistrano', '>= 2.5.20'
gem 'net-ssh', '>= 2.0.5' (I was just trying to ensure a version
greater than the requested 2.0.4 would be loaded, so I picked 2.0.5)

that didn't change much of anything. My bundle install command returns
the correct numbers and yet when I try

cap deploy:update

I get the dreaded can't activate net-ssh (=2.0.4) message.

I worked my way up the stack trace, using "head" on each file that was
doing a require, and none of them are asking for a specific version.

How do I do better at troubleshooting this?

On Mar 19, 10:33 pm, Jim <jtol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems.rb:267:in `activate': can't activate
> net-ssh (= 2.0.4) for [], already activated net-ssh-2.1.3 for []
> (Gem::LoadError)
> If I've been documenting my attempts properly, this expectation on the
> part of capistrano that net-ssh should be at version 2.0.4 won't work
> because there is another dependency with net-ssh-gateway that
> precludes using net-ssh 2.0.4.
> I tried grepping through the capistrano and net-ssh .rb files looking
> for something easy I change relative to the 2.0.4 string, but didn't
> find that anywhere, so I'm left wondering what's going on! Any
> thoughts?

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