
If on the deploy.rb file I have:
set :deploy_to, "/home/mysite/www/dev/*public*"

cap deploy:setup - will run *ok*.

But, of course, folders are created /inside/ the public folder.

Also, since I'm on a zf project here, I cannot deploy everything that is on my local /projectroot/ to sharedhostprojectroot/public/ because the framework will not work on such a structure.

So I'm looking for a way to deploy this into */dev/* without the permissions constrains.

But this perhaps is just not possible ?



On 28-03-2011 17:34, mem wrote:
Hello all,

Thanks for the replies.
I must be honest. I didn't get your answers. It's my ignorance. I realise that, so, I must excuse myself for that. I don't even know that I was doing something related with umask, and I've look to found out what umask is... but perhaps it's not necessary.

Some clarifications and things that I'm not getting:

My ISP, is my Internet Service Provider. So, the company that allows my computer to have access to the internet, right? They have nothing to do with the shared host company that I contract to host the sites that I develop. Should I test something with the ISP ?

About the shared host company, ICDSoft btw, they told me that:
"We believe that changing the permissions of the subdomain's root directory will not resolve the problem. The setup of the application executes chmod commands on the subdomain's root directory - this is not allowed. To remedy the issue, you could change the root directory (DocumentRoot) of the subdomain to one that you can run chmod commands on. "

This is for a Zend project, and, I will use document root, to a folder named "public"; So, I do believe that I need to do the deployment but, instead of having my capfile on my project document root, I need to have that capfile, inside /projectroot/public/

The capfile should then have something like this:
require 'rubygems'
require 'railsless-deploy'
load '../config/deploy.rb' //(so that I can access the config file outside the public directory?)

And the deploy.rb I know have something like:

set :application, "mysite.dev"
set :user, "mysshuser"
set :repository, "g...@github.com:gituser/mysite.dev.git"
role :web, "dev.mysite.com"
set :deploy_to, "/home/mysite/www/dev"
set :use_sudo, false
set :scm, :git
set :branch, 'master'
set :deploy_via, :copy #server doesn't support git commands, so no :remote_cache possible I believe
set :copy_cache, true
set :copy_exclude, %w(.git)
task :create_symlinks, :roles => :web do
run "rm #{current_release}/public/.htaccess"
run "ln -s #{current_release}/production/.htaccess
after "deploy:finalize_update", :create_symlinks

I could set the deploy_to to be:

But all public siblings will not be considered right ?

Thanks again,

On 28-03-2011 16:32, Lee Hambley wrote:

You should be able to change your directory's setgid flag, and your umask to make sure that your files are readable correctly when they are written… but that's a topic for your ISP's support, as setting gid on a directory has some strange consequences sometimes, and is possibly blocked by suexec, as for your umask, you can try setting that in a dotfile in your home directory, and/or asking your ISP to set it for you, if that dotfile doesn't work out. In order for Capsitrano to honor (or read at all) your dotfiles, you'll need to be running it in pty mode.

- Lee

On 28 March 2011 17:28, Donovan Bray <donno...@gmail.com <mailto:donno...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    The ISP could be blocking access to chmod; ssh and try to execute
    the same command; then try just the mkdir command; follow up with
    the chmod

    On Mar 28, 2011, at 6:46 AM, MEM <tal...@gmail.com
    <mailto:tal...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    > Hello all.
    > On my shared host I've created a subdomain that points to a given
    > directory (also created by cpanel) in /home/user/www/dev/)
    > However, when I try to deploy:
    > cap deploy:setup
    > I get:
    > * executing `deploy:setup'
    >  * executing "mkdir -p /home/mysite/www/dev /home/mysite/www/dev/
    > releases /home/mysite/www/dev/shared &&  chmod g+w
    > dev /home/mysite/www/dev/releases /home/mysite/www/dev/shared"
    >    servers: ["dev.mysite.com <http://dev.mysite.com>"]
    >    [dev.mysite.com <http://dev.mysite.com>] executing command
    > *** [err :: dev.mysite.com <http://dev.mysite.com>] chmod:
    changing permissions of `/home/
    > mysite/www/dev': Operation not permitted
    >    command finished in 255ms
    > failed: "sh -c 'mkdir -p /home/mysite/www/dev /home/mysite/www/dev/
    > releases /home/mysite/www/dev/shared &&  chmod g+w
    > dev /home/mysite/www/dev/releases /home/mysite/www/dev/shared'" on
    > dev.mysite.com <http://dev.mysite.com>
    > The shared host is using suexec, I'm not sure if this could be
    of some
    > use, but I'm really stuck and unable to do anything due to those
    > permission issues. Since I can force them to give me
    permissions, is
    > there any work around for help me out with my first Capistrano
    > deploy ?
    > Thanks a lot in advance,
    > Márcio
    > --
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