I just had this problem (I'm not using capistrano) and in fact on my dev 
machine it would work nice and quick but on the server it would compile the 
assets and then hang forever. However, after waiting for it to finish, 
doing it a second time is quick and painless. Turns out that 
assets:precompile also does a tmp:cache:clear which only had a lot to clean 
up on the production machine.

On Thursday, April 5, 2012 at 2:43:51 AM UTC+2, Tim Uckun wrote:
> I have done more digging and it's not a capistrano problem, it's a 
> rails problem For some reason the thing that takes a few seconds on my 
> machine takes more than a half an hour on the server.  I have seen the 
> following recipes on the web which don't work with the current version 
> of capistrano 
> task :precompile do 
>       run_locally ("rake assets:clean && rake assets:precompile") 
>       upload( "public/assets", "#{release_path}/public/assets", :via 
> => :scp, :recursive => true) 
> end 
> This fails because it wants a FILES env variable. 
>  %x{bundle exec rake assets:precompile} 
>       %x{rsync --recursive --times --rsh=ssh --compress --human- 
> readable --progress public/assets #{user}@#{host}:#{shared_path}} 
>       %x{bundle exec rake assets:clean} 
> this fails because it doesn't know what host is. 
> I like the rysnc idea. Can that be made to work. Is there a way to 
> specify "the current host you are deploying to"? 

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