
   - Ruby : ruby 2.0.0p645
   - Capistrano : 3.4.0
   - Rake   10.3.2


   - Bedrock, a framework to build wordpress site


   - Capfile - I'm goin to  attach it to you
   - deploy.rb  - I'm goin to  attach it to you
   - Stage files (staging.rb)  - I'm goin to  attach it to you


I can't deploy my bedrock with capistrano to another port, different than 

Googling this problem, I tried to specifiy the port in 4 different way:
1 - In the definition of a rule, in this two way:

role :app, %w{}, port: 60601
role :app, %w{}
2- In the definition of the server, in this two way:

server '', user: 'user', roles: %w{web app db}, port: 
server '', user: 'user', roles: %w{web app db}

3 - Using the ssh_option variable , in this way:

 set :ssh_options, {
    port: 60601

4 - Using the variable port, in this way:

set :port , 60601

None of this seems to work, but maybe I 'm making some errors.

Could you please help me?

*NB : *Of course, with terminal I have no problem to log in the remote 
server specifyng the port.

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