
I'm trying to use MallocMessageBuilder that's backed by a fixed size chunk 
of mmap'ed memory. So, in pseudo-code:

char* buf = claim_mmap_memory(1024);
::capnp::MallocMessageBuilder message(buf);
... build message 

The questions I have:

1) Am I correct in trying to do this with MallocMessageBuilder given that 
the memory claimed is fixed size (1024 bytes in the above example). I can 
generally assume that the message should *not* exceed 1024 -- perhaps I can 
programmatically check the size used as the message is built and throw an 
exception if it exceeds 1024? 

2) Is it efficient to instance a malloc message builder like this in a 
tight loop repeatedly to send many messages?

3) How do I convert the raw char* buffer into a kj::ArrayPtr<word> so that 
I can pass into the constructor of MallocMessageBuilder?



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