I'm really close but I am having memory alignment issues. What I have so 

const auto words = kj::heapArray<capnp::word>(bufferSize);
memcpy((void*)words.begin(), buffer, words.asBytes().size() / 

capnp::FlatArrayMessageReader input(words);

crl::sensors::IMUSample deserialized;

const auto reader = input.getRoot<IMUData>();

On Sunday, January 12, 2020 at 8:14:04 AM UTC-5, Erich Foster wrote:
> It looks as though the link below covers the portion where I was stuck. If 
> there are any caveats or extra details to get to the kj::VectorOutputStream 
> I would be happy to hear about that.
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49722870/capn-proto-de-serialize-struct-to-from-stdstring-for-storing-in-leveldb

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