
I was playing around with the new HTTP over capnp feature in 0.8.0, and one 
oddity I stumbled upon is that there doesn't seem to be a easy way to drain 
outstanding requests when shutting down. I think this is best demonstrated 
by small code example.

I have this very simple kj::HttpService that I'm exposing through 
and corresponding client 

When I curl http://localhost:8080/exit the service does exit, but the 
response body never makes it through. The error message I see from my 
"proxy-client" is:

    kj/compat/http.c++:5079: error: unhandled exception in HTTP server; 
exception = kj/compat/http.c++:1852: failed: previous HTTP message body 
incomplete; can't write more messages

To me it seems like the server exits before the client manages to fetch the 
response body, which is obviously not good. I'm not sure if the problem is 
that the promise from line 24 `response.sendError(200, "OK", headers)` 
resolves too early, or if the HttpOverCapnp thingy needs some explicit way 
to drain the server.

As a side-note I noticed that the http-over-capnp files were not included 
in the release tarball, I needed to poke around bit in Makefile.am and git 
checkout to get those installed. No biggie, but I imagine you'll want to 
get that fixed for next release.

/Torste Aikio

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