I'm having a weird problem that I'm suspecting comes from invalid usage of
the API?
Basically I offload the serialized message (obtained via
capnp::messageToFlatArray) to a background thread for appending to a file.
However, I'm noticing that the messages are corrupt. I'm wondering if I'm
misusing the API in some obvious way? AFAICT writing the output of
messageToFlatArray should be identical to sending it to an OutputStream...

Hopefully it's not a glaring oversight on my part like the past couple of

Pseudo-code below:

void append(capnp::MessageBuilder& builder) {
 auto serializedInWords = capnp::messageToFlatArray(builder);
    std::lock_guard lg(mutex_);

void flushThread() {
  std::vector<kj::Array<const capnp::word>> toFlush;

  // output_ is kj::AutoCloseFd - the thread RAII joins on destruction & is
declared after output_ so the I/O should outlive
  // also the problematic message is one that I write once on start & the
I/O gets terminated much later so I don't think it's a race for the I/O.
  kj::FdOutputStream output(output_.get());

  do {
      std::unique_lock lck(available_);
      available_.wait(lck, [&] { return terminated_ || !queue_.empty());
      toFlush = std::move(queue_);
    for (const auto& message : toFlush) {
      auto messageBytes = message.asBytes();
      output.write(messageBytes.begin(), messageBytes.size());
  } while (!terminated_);

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