On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 10:22 AM Vitali Lovich <vlov...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't feel great about the duplication approach (or allowing retrieving
> the raw handle directly) as it can be subtly tricky to actually use
> correctly. For example, if you dup & make the dup'ed FD blocking, that will
> impact correct behavior within cap'n'proto. So as a user you'd end up
> wanting to always close the other FD after retrieving it. Since all usages
> have you invalidating the stream & consuming the FD, putting it in the
> provider is nice: it's symmetrical, you clearly have ownership of the
> stream, and it's a natural spot to have flags to automatically make the
> socket/FD blocking again.

I think there are a lot of use cases where you wouldn't want to destroy the
AsyncIoStream object, though. For example, if I have a web server that's
serving a file from disk, it might call getFd() so that it can use
sendfile() to push bytes out without copying through userspace. But the
stream can be reused for another HTTP request after that, so it can't be
destroyed in the meantime.

Hmm, in fact, for this use case it seems like the web server has to be able
to get the FD *and* the UnixEventPort::FdObserver object together, so that
it can use the latter to observe when the socket is writable. That's a bit
of a problem since FdObserver is currently specific to UnixEventPort; when
using something like the libuv compatibility layer in node-capnp, this
wouldn't work. Maybe the answer is to define an FdObserver abstract
interface. At least the way sockets work is pretty consistent across unix
variants. (On Windows, of course, something entirely different is needed...
but that was already true.)

I don't like requiring an AsyncIoProvider to unwrap because it's generally
uncommon to pass the AsyncIoProvider down into libraries. I think these
kinds of optimizations should be possible to implement without requiring
the library to take whole new, wide interfaces.



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