As I peruse the RPC spec (rpc.capnp), I’m following along pretty well until I 
hit the ‘disembargo’ message (which my spellchecker keeps changing into 
‘disembark’, but that’s another matter.)

At this point I’m only interested in Level 1 functionality, two peers, which 
AFAIK is as far as the implementation is gotten.Disembargo is a level 1 
message, and I’m having some trouble understanding it, partly because it seems 
to only be relevant at levels 2+. The description starts on line 660:

>   # Message sent to indicate that an embargo on a recently-resolved promise 
> may now be lifted.
>   #
>   # Embargos are used to enforce E-order in the presence of promise 
> resolution.  That is, if an
>   # application makes two calls foo() and bar() on the same capability 
> reference, in that order,
>   # the calls should be delivered in the order in which they were made.  But 
> if foo() is called
>   # on a promise, and that promise happens to resolve before bar() is called, 
> then the two calls
>   # may travel different paths over the network, and thus could arrive in the 
> wrong order.  In
>   # this case, the call to `bar()` must be embargoed, and a `Disembargo` 
> message must be sent along
>   # the same path as `foo()` to ensure that the `Disembargo` arrives after 
> `foo()`.  Once the
>   # `Disembargo` arrives, `bar()` can then be delivered.

I was following along OK until “the two calls may travel different paths over 
the network.” We’re at Level 1, so there is only one path, the socket between 
peer A and peer B.

Also, in "that promise happens to resolve before bar() is called”, should that 
be "after bar() is called”? Because if foo resolves before, why would that make 
the foo call arrive after the bar call?

If you have time, Kenton, I’d love to see the " Carol lives in Vat A, i.e. next 
to Alice.  In this case, Vat A needs to send a `Disembargo` message that echos 
through Vat B and back…” scenario broken down step-by-step. (Or if this 
situation is discussed in the old site, let me know the URL; I 
didn’t see it when I was reading through their protocol docs.)



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