If any one has some work for me regarding Care2x, please let me know coz
i want to see Care2x alive and healthy. i have all the ERD's of care2x.

I am a software Developer working in the field of health care,


Absar Ali.

>From: Anthony Papillion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
>To: care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
>Subject: [Care2002-developers] Care2X Issues and Fork
>Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 10:40:19 -0700 (PDT)
>Dear Care2X Developers and Community,
>Over the last year, I've carefully monitored the
>Care2X project with the hopes of it becoming a viable
>option for use within North America. I even, at one
>time volunteered to assist in making sure that all the
>pieces were in place for North American deployment and
>never received any feedback or information. That,
>combined with the recent lack of developer interaction
>with the community, has led me to believe that Care2X
>is dead. Additionally, after reviewing the codebase
>for the last few days, I'm growing increasingly
>concerned about the code itself as much of it seems
>fairly "hacked" together with little or no rhyme or
>As such, I'm seriously considering forking Care2X,
>using what code is usable, and rewriting the large
>portions that aren't while extending the product to
>better meet the needs of North American hospitals and
>healthcare providers. A fork, as you all know, is a
>radical departure from the established group and it's
>not something I'm lightly considering. It would be a
>lot of work but I believe that the entire project and
>its image would greatly benefit from having a more
>active and involved development team seriously working
>on the project and making it better.
>So what's going to happen now?
>First, I want to give the Care2X developers and
>community the abillity to respond to this. Is Care2X
>still a viable product? If so, where are all of the
>developers and why are they not participating in the
>community? What are some ideas to make Care2X better
>and, developers, are you willing to listen to the
>communities needs?
>Next, after giving everyone an adaquate chance to
>comment on this subject and guaging if the developers
>have a solid plan to fix the problems with Care2X, we
>will either decide to proceed with the fork or give
>Care2X a little longer to shape things up. I think
>July 1 is a good enough amount of time for discussion.
>Developers: I do NOT WANT TO FORK this project. But
>one cannot simply create a project, expect it to be
>used, but never interact with the community or move
>the project to more professional pastures. I am
>BEGGING you to give this community some idea of WHERE
>we are going, WHEN we are going there, WHAT we are
>going to do to get there, and WHERE we are going.
>Clear direction is needed. Can you provide it?
>Community: Obviously we all care about Care2X and its
>future. Some of us are seriously wanting to move it
>into new and exciting areas but we can't do that
>without either a fork or more developer support. I ask
>that you begin an open discussion on this list about
>the issues you find with Care2X and let the developers
>know what you want, need, and expect from them.
>Lastly, I understand that Care2X, like most open
>source product, is largely a labor of love and it is
>the product of many hours of volunteer time. As such,
>I understand that the developers must balance their
>work on the product with their real lives and jobs. I
>am not asking for full-time development on the
>product. I am not asking for questions to be answered
>in 20 minutes or for updates to be done overnight.
>What I am asking is for SOME developer participation
>in the community and SOME active development that
>addresses community needs.
>If anyone would like to discuss this issue further
>with me please either email the list, email me
>personally, or call me anytime. My contact info is
>It is my sincere hope that Care2X can rise from its
>current state and become a better, stronger, and
>dominant product. It is my hope that we can all pull
>it out of its slump and into a higher place. But it
>will take a concerted effort and it is my hope that
>that effort starts today.
>Anthony Papillion
>Advanced Data Concets
>P: (918) 926-0139
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