hi Gabriele,

the usefulness is in the way the admin can create queries on what does what.
persons logged, resources that are more accessed, ecc..
something a bit difficult with log files. at least for one not good at using
awk and sed ;)

regarding you're second point, i'm working on it. in a couple of days
i'll post a patch in the svn to make it use mysql instead of sqlite.


Gabriele Cicala wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Hi Gjergj.....
> I've tested the new release but I'm loosing the usefulness of using a
> sql DB for the application logs.
> I think that using a text file (like a log is) is feasible in order to
> use the log rotation and also is more simple than using a SQL semantics
> to read this info.
> Please can you explain me this point?
> Another question is regarding the DB type. Why not MySQL that is already
> in use for all the application?
> Thanks Gabriele
> Gjergj Sheldija wrote:
>> hi Gabriele,
>> the latest version on svn runs on php 5.x only. you should find a deb 
>> package in the download section.
>> the actual state of c2x - the 2.6 brach - is that the daily therapy 
>> won't work and some translations
>> are still to be done.
>> you can download the deb here : 
>> http://garr.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/care2002/care2x-2.6.alpha.deb
>> regards
>> gj.
>> p.s. the new ver does logging into a sql db, so no more strange 
>> directories :)
>> Gabriele Cicala wrote:
>>> Hi Elpidio and to all care2x developer.
>>> I'm trying to install a new version of Care2x and actually I'm trying to 
>>> use the
>>>     care2x_b225_full.zip (the tar.gz version has some problem while I try to
>>> untar).
>>> When I try to install it I notice that there is a little confusion about 
>>> wich
>>> PHP version I have to install.
>>> Actually I'm using a laptop with Debian ETCH installed and PHP version
>>> 5.2.0-8+etch13. During the steps of the installazion wizard there are two
>>> instances:
>>> The first one is this ..."PHP Version 4.3.0 or greater is required, you are
>>> running 5.2.0-8+etch13"
>>> The second one instead is this one..."PHP Version lower than 5.0.0 is 
>>> required,
>>> you are running 5.2.0-8+etch13".
>>> Is seems a little bit confused on which version does I have to use.
>>> Actually another friend of mine is trying to install Care2x on a Laptop with
>>> Windows XP as OS using EasyPHP. The problem that they are encountering are 
>>> the
>>> same. The PHP version that they might use.
>>> Please could you clarify which version is the correct one?
>>> And also can you tell me the state of the art of Care2x inside the PHP 5
>>> framework.
>>> We need to know these info because we are trying to create an initial 
>>> approach
>>> to promote Care2x inside the Italian Hospital. We need to set up an example
>>> website (at least on a laptop) to let the administrator to see the full
>>> usability of the project.
>>> Sorry if this question is frustrating you but we think is important to know 
>>> the
>>> timetable of the project.
>>> Thank you in advance.
>>> Gabriele Cicala
>>> P.S.:
>>> Sorry once again..but why we need to create a directory log with exclamation
>>> mark like this one ...logs/access/2009! and  ....logs/access_fail/2009!?
>>> Bye Gabriele
>>> --
>>> Cicala Gabriele:
>>> Linux user #337703
>>> Cell. 3392975485
>>> Web: www.gabcicala.it/
>>> GPG key ID 0x63C1C5F5
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> - --
> Cicala Gabriele:
> Linux user #337703
> Cell. 3392975485
> Web: www.gabcicala.it/
> GPG key ID 0x63C1C5F5
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