Made it both INT(4)

ALTER TABLE `care_users` CHANGE `user_role` `user_role` INT(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT 
ALTER TABLE `care_user_roles` CHANGE `id` `id` INT(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
ALTER TABLE `care2x`.`care_yellow_paper` DROP KEY `nr`;

SVN 6783 fixed.

FK relationships avoided as we need the admin with role 0 to be present in 
users table, without a id = 0 in the user roles table.

- Ap.Muthu

> Rough cut of ERD shows only 2 relationships.
> The code does not respect the relationships however.
> table care_user_roles Primary Key 'id' is an INT
> Foreign Key 'user_role' in table care_users is a Tiny INT
> If the numebr of anticipated roles is going to be < 256 then a TinyINT would 
> suffice.
> Keeping it an INT would be better for both.
> Must now fathom all links for it.
> -Ap.Muthu
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