I appreciate that working on the elct version may improve the version
Selian and HLH (the only 2 hospitals I've worked with in TZ) could benefit
from. That version extends beyond the trunk to suit the needs of TZ.
Ideally, I work all the enhancements back into the original core tables
with options to "localize" it - in plugin fashion. It occurred to me that
basing options on locality could be implemented with include statements
throughout the system, like, for instance, in registration in the
regions/address area. A lot of what is considered a branch because it was
added in a specific country are actually just enhancements to the modules
that all countries could benefit from. The code isn't really set up for
plugin capability, which is why I believe you've embarked on the zend idea.
Include statements might not be easily migrated into the zend version
though. Another idea could be if/case statements in the core module
(controller) files that "re-routes" commands to either another core module
file or just another /gui (view) file. I suppose our classes are basically
models, so maybe working with the original classes and adding classes that
extend them is where the re-routing happens. Ideally, any work done from
here on out works us toward the mvc method and you can see I am reaching
for a clearer understanding of the concepts involved in this task.

I'm more familiar with Yii than I am with zend, but mvc is mvc. Yii has a
utility that allows you to throw a database at it and it automatically
creates a working directory of models, views and controllers. I wonder if
that couldn't be a time saver - editing the Yii results to work with zend
as opposed to writing them all from scratch... Does zend have this

Could anyone elaborate on how best to curb my coding toward zend?

What are some other reasons for heading into the zend direction? I don't
mean as opposed to Yii, but rather as opposed to "cleaning up" the code as
it is. After all, it works and clearly it conforms in many ways to a well
working mvc system, does it not? Aren't all the pieces here already?

Could anyone elaborate more on what we hope to achieve by moving into zend?
I did see a pretty recent thread about plans for care2x for the future -
I'll read that.

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