The answer to the question is yes. Use the Map fMRI to Surface option in Caret, as described on p. 36 of Tutorial 1, to generate metric files for the human colin left and/or right hemispheres (plus the cerebellum if it is of interest).


On Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at 04:40 PM, Mark A. Pinsk wrote:

This is a question from a colleague doing human fMRI and thinking of using Caret:

I have complete an fMRI analysis in AFNI, where my resulting statistical map is from a group analysis of 12 subjects. Each subject's data was placed in Talairach space prior to the group analysis. How can I paint this result onto a flat surface? Can I use the human colin atlas, which I believe is in Talairach space, and simply create a metric file from my afni map, and paint it onto the colin surface?
- kim


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