Hi Albena,

John Harwell is out of the office today, but let's just make sure caret5 is actually finding the libstdc++.so.5 you installed.

1. Enter "which caret5" on the command line.
2. Enter "ldd /usr/local/caret/bin/caret5" on the command line (replacing the full pathname of caret5 with the output of step 1, if different than /usr/local/caret/bin/caret5).
3. Include the ldd output in your reply to this message.

I assume you meant /usr/local/lib is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but the ldd output will leave no doubt as to whether caret5 is finding the library.

If the ldd output doesn't include libstdc++.so.5 (or says not found), then set this environment variable:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

These settings can be stored in your start-up scripts (e.g., .cshrc for tcsh), so you don't have to manually set them when you start caret5.


On 06/29/2004 05:55 AM, Albena Dimitrova wrote:

I also got the error message when I try to open caret5 on SunOS:

libstdc++.so.5 open failed, no such file
although I have this library...
I have actually just downloaded the library package from http://www.sunfreeware.com/ and now I have libstd++.so.5 linked to libstd++.so.5.0.4 in my /usr/local/lib (/usr/local/lib is included in my path)

Do you have any idea what is wrong?
Best regards,

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