Hi Mellanie,

First, make sure your *segment_vent_corr.fiducial*vtk surface is loaded as 
surface 1, and the inflated surface as surface 2.  This is because the 
coordinates of surface 1 are used for the picking function, and the fiducial 
surface's coordinates will be closer to the offending voxels than the 
corresponding inflated coordinates.  You can still view and pick on the 
inflated surface, which is what I do, but make sure the fiducial is in surface 

Second, scroll five slices to either side of where the crosshairs landed after 
you pick the handle on the surface.  Switch between parasagittal, coronal, and 
horizontal views -- again, scrolling within five slice of the pick slice.  
(There's nothing magic about the number five, but usually that's plenty to see 
the defect.)  Often, a defect is much more obvious in one view than another, 
but it varies by volume/defect.

Third, upload your *sMRI.mnc, sMRI.params, and *segment.mnc to the upload site 
below, and I'll help you find the offending voxels:




On 07/16/2004 11:17 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have only 4 errors left to correct in my segmented image. I can see handles on my inflated surface, but when I click on the handle and press 'p', there is no obvious error at the crosshair location in my segmented volume. I tried using the object error list, but again I did not see any errors at the coordinates given.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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