Hi Phtseng,

You have drawn attention to a well-known deficit in SureFit: There is no
quick, easy way to update the ERROR_CORRECTION_INTERMEDIATES/*errors*mnc
file, from which the SURFACES/*errors*RGB_paint is generated. This is
the same mnc file that is the default file selection when you press the
Locate Objects button on the Interactive Error Correction tab.

This *errors*mnc file is generated only when you run automatic error
correction, which is the most time-consuming portion of the Run SureFit
routine. When vol2 is loaded (e.g., after you run segmentation and/or
have been patching), then the defaults on the Run SureFit menu change to
skip error correction and prepare to flatten. This is because typically
one doesn't use the Run SureFit menu until you have patched all the
handles and are ready to Prepare to Flatten.

You can change the settings to Correct Errors and Review Surface First,
but this will take a long time to run -- certainly not something you
want to do after fixing each handle. Instead, learn to rely less on the
Locate Objects output and the SURFACES/*errors*RGB_paint coloring on the
surface, and just LOOK for the handles on the inflated surface. Usually,
you can see them if you rotate the surface, zooming and panning as
needed to get a close-up view of all areas. If you can't see the
handles, then they're often not worth fixing.

Is this the SureFit demo volume you are trying to patch? It doesn't have
many handles. What is your handle count? If more than one or two, then
perhaps your patching has introduced some handles. Learning to patch is
certainly the hardest part of learning to use SureFit, and it is
probably harder than flattening, registering, or mapping in Caret. If
you like, I can have a look at your segmentation volume and help you
figure out exactly what to do to fix the handles. If this is not the
demo volume, or if you used cropping parameters (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
zmin, zmax values on the Define VOI tab during Volume Preparation) other
than those specified in the tutorial, then I'll also need your *sMRI.mnc
and *sMRI.params file. Upload these files here:


Right now, both John Harwell and I are working on integrating Caret and
SureFit. After SureFit's functions are merged into Caret, then we
envision numerous improvements -- including making patching easier and
more intuitive.


On 11/11/2004 02:27 AM, pohetsn wrote:

> Dear all
> What I want to do is
> 1. depressing "Run Surefit"
> 2. draw segment errors on surface
> 3. correcting some handle errors
> 4. saving the new edit
> 5. depressing "Run SureFit" again (default setting)
> 6. checking the surface of lately fixed handle errors
> 7. draw the other segment errors which I havn't fixed
> However, at step7, I can't find some file looks like
> *.segment.errors.xxxxx.RGB_paint
> except the one which generated at step 2.
> e.g.
> I can find files as follows:
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.38499.surface_shape
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.38499.topo
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.ellipsoid.38499.coord
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.ellipsoid.38499.vtk
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.fiducial.38499.coord
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.fiducial.38499.vtk
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.geography.38499.paint
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.geography.38499.RGB_paint
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.inflated.38499.coord
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.inflated-50.38499.vtk
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.raw.38499.coord
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.raw.38499.vtk
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.sulci.38499.RGB_paint
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.Surface.38499.spec
> but I cannot find anything like
> Test.L.occipital.segment_corr2.patch.errors.38499.RGB_paint
> in the SURFACE folder.
> Anyway, how to do step.7?
> It's important while having lots handle errors.
> thank you
> Sincerely,
> phtseng
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