I recently solved this problem. I believe the issue is that many programs read *img/*hdr files and assume analyze format instead of NIFTI, thus ignoring some of the hdr information. However, if you convert the images to *.nii, Caret works fine.

Attached is a matlab file I wrote (create_nii.m) to convert between the two. It requires Jimmy Shen's 'Tools for NIfTI (Analyze) MR Image' toolbox for Matlab available at http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=8797&objectType=file, or use any other scripts for the conversion.

-Scott Gorlin, graduate student
Mriganka Sur laboratory, MIT

Veronica S Smith wrote:
Hi Mateus,

I suspect that the problem is related to the difference in how each of the two programs read (or don't read) the header, however, I am not totally sure as I have not used SPM5 with Caret yet.

Typically the best way to get help on these types of issues is to join the caret users group:

    * subscribe by web -- caret-users info page; or
    * subscribe by email -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since you have already taken the time to type up the problem, I am CCing [EMAIL PROTECTED] which will submit your question to get an answer from Donna, the senior analyst in the lab. She is very helpful!

Hope this helps,

On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, Mateus Joffily wrote:

Hi Veronica,

Thank you very much for your help!

I am currently trying to use Caret5. But I am having trouble to display on it the anatomy image (NIFTI-1 format) that I have previously generated with SPM5 DICOM toolbox. Could you please help me?

When I display the image with SPM5, it seems fine (X goes from left to right, Y goes from posterior to anterior and Z goes from inferior to superior), the voxels size is correct -0.938x0.938x1.3 (except for the fact that SPM5 sets X-voxel size as negative) and the origin is set at voxels (108.8,154.9,62.08), over the AC.

However, when I display it with caret5, the orientation is not correct (X goes from anterior to posterior, Y goes from inferior to superior and Z goes from left to right), and the origin is indicated as (-479, 0.938, 1.3) in the 'Volumes Attributes Editor' and as (-359.06,120.94,81.90) in the' Main Window'. The voxel size is correct.

When I loaded the image, I specified that it was an anatomy volume, and that the space was SPM5 in the spec file.

Do you have any idea about what could be the problem? Is caret5 able to read NIFTI-1 metadata (orientation and stereotaxic coordinates) generated by SPM5?

Thank you very much for any help.

Best regards,

Veronica S Smith wrote:

Hi Mateus,

I am a Caret user and have some knowledge of Freesurfer.

I would say one of the biggest differences between the two software packages for creating surface reconstructions is that Caret relies on semi-automated processing of the MR images and Freesurfer is fully automated. Once you get the hang of it, Caret takes about 4-6 hours per hemisphere (includes user and computer processing time). Freesurfer takes approximately 20+ hours per brain once the image is input. Both methods rely on high quality MR images to ensure optimal results.

Also, Caret's surface is a reconstruction of approximately half way between the GM/CSF boundary and the GM/WM boundary (cortical layer 4). I think Freesurfer reconstructs a GM/CSF surface--but double check that.

Once Freesurfer is complete with processing, you can get cortical thickness measures, but not with Caret.

Both software packages require notable memory (Caret -> 1-2 GB RAM) and processor speed in order to allow for timely results.

That is a quick overview. I am happy to answer more specific questions. Hope this helps.


On Tue, 10 Oct 2006, Mateus Joffily wrote:

Dear SPMers,

I am looking for a software that allows me to project SPM5 activations onto an inflated cortical surface. It seems that freesurf and caret/surefit can do it. However, it is not clear for me what are the pros and cons of each package. Does anyone has some experience with them and can give me some advice? Thanks for your help.


caret-users mailing list
function create_nii

x = menu('Process:', 'Files', 'Folder');

if x == 1
    [fname fpath] = uigetfile('*.hdr', 'Select SPM5 Analyze/NIFTI...', 
    if ~iscell(fname)
        a = fname;
        clear fname;
        fname{1} = a;
elseif x == 2
    fpath = uigetdir('', 'Select Batch Directory...');
    files = dir([fpath '/*.hdr']);
    for f = 1:length(files)
        fname{f} = files(f).name;
for f = 1:length(fname)
    disp(['Writing ' fname{f} ' to file...']);
    [hdr ft fp m] = load_nii_hdr(fullfile(fpath, fname{f}));
    [nii.img nii.hdr] = load_nii_img(hdr, ft, fp, m);
    fn = fname{f};
    fn((end-2):end) = 'nii';
    save_nii(nii, fullfile(fpath, fn));



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