   Firstly I found that I got a better segmentation with the .35mm
isotropic voxels relative to the same volume resampled to .5mm
isotropic.  Secondly I am having a bit of trouble registering an
individual hemisphere to any of the new 73700 node-standard-mesh
representations of the three atlases.  I am using the
“Macaque.F99UA1.REGISTER-with-INDIVIDUAL.73730.spec” to spherically
deform to.  I have had trouble get any of the .borderproj from this
.spec file to deform to similiar (same type, number, and orientation of
landmarks)  .borderproj files I create with my indivual hemisphere.  I
am not sure at which level my mistakes are happening but I am getting
very high numbers of crossovers which stop me from completing
deformation.  When I have the ATLAS and the individual open in separate
windows I have the same number(also confirmed by .spec file), type and
orientation(denoted by red point) in the individual as with the atlas. 
I then go to deform spherical in the individual and choose  the
apropriate files but I am a bit confused on which fiducial and which
.borderproj to pick for the atlas:

Fiducial Coord(choose one of following):
Macaque.F99UA1.RIGHT.FIDUCIAL.Std-MESH.73730.coord(I use this one)

.borderproj(I normall use a modified version of Surfs with only 14 borders)

As well I know the new landmarks are averages of left and right hemisphere
but can I use the right flat or right fiducial to deform to left
individual hemispheres.  Not sure if any of this is causing all of the
crossovers I am experiencing.  Thank you for your help,

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