
I have been writing to you about spherical registration. I am working on implementing a landmark based registration approach and I want to use Caret to learn about the currently accepted landmark placements and deformation process. Using the tutorials, I have successfully drawn the landmarks and run the spherical deformation. During the deformation process, I get two error messages but both seem resolved.

“INFO: Border Link (0,6) in Landmark CentralSulcus does not project to a tile and has been discarded.”
“Color ??? Specified multiple times with different color components.”

Are either of these messages a problem?  How can I prevent these errors?

Also, I’m having trouble interpreting the deformation files and viewing the results. Why are deformed files created in both the individual’s directory and the atlas directory? Is the spec file in the atlas directory the one I want to use? How do I know if the landmarks reach their target? Can I look at the deformed individual sphere with both the deformed landmarks I created and the original atlas landmarks, and compare these two sets of borders? What are the difference between border projection files and border files? I only have a border file for the atlas sphere. I read a note on the message board about saving the border projection files relative to the spherical surface, but this is not directed in the tutorials. Is this a step that generally applies to surface deformations?
What values do the columns of the border projection files represent?

Thank you for your help.

Julia Molony

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