Thanks again David...I've assigned classes in the ".foci" very very last question regarding your instructions here:

"If you assign one set of foci a 'class' [e.g., motion] and another set of foci a different class [e.g., color], and then assign a distinct color to each class, you can view them in distinct colors by selecting Coloring Mode: Focus Class in the Foci Main Page."

How do I assign colors to classes? Can I use the "Names" column in the ".focicolor" sheet? Or do I need to go through a menu from the GUI?


David Van Essen wrote:

Answers to both questions:
On Jan 21, 2008, at 10:04 AM, jessica f cantlon wrote:

Thank you David...I started over and everything looks to be working now.


I was wondering if there is any info about how to estimate peaks as spheres and then flatten them. I saw an article that did something to this effect (Lewis, J., 2006, Cortical networks related to human use of tools, The Neuroscientist, 12(3), p. 211). However, I couldn't find any info on how to do this in the tutorials. Maybe there isn't anything in which case I can try to figure something out myself.

The following steps may get you where you want to go. (There's not a tutorial on this yet....)

Load the foci that you want 'painted' on the surface, and in the desired colors.

Keep the left and right hemisphere foci as separate foci projection files.
[Notes: (i) If they are currently combined, they can be separated by viewing the foci on just one hemisphere, then using the Foci: Delete Foci Not Displayed on Main Window Surface. (ii) This can be a bit of a pain, so a future modification may allow concurrent projection to left and right hemispheres.]

Make sure that you have the appropriate PALS fiducial surface loaded. If more than one is currently loaded, make sure the desired one is the 'active' fiducial surface using the Display Control: Surface Miscellaneous: Active Fiducial pulldown.

Select Layers: Foci: Convert Uncertainty Limits to RGBpaint.

Choose the distances you want for lower, middle, and upper limits. The default (upper limit = 10, the others = 0) is a good starting point.

Give the RGB Paint column name an appropriate header.

Press ok.  It may take a few minutes if you have lots of foci.

View your results by choosing RGB Paint as a primary or secondary overlay in the Display Control page.

Save the RGB paint file if you like it. You can create multiple columns in a single file.

On Jan 21, 2008, at 1:06 PM, jessica f cantlon wrote:
Hi David,

Sorry for inundating you with questions. I was wondering if it is possible to have one study colored with two different colors depending on the condition. I am trying to show all of one kind of effect in one color and all of another kind in another color but sometimes both of these kinds of effects come from one study. Is it possible to do this?

Yes, indeed, by using the 'focus class' option.

If you assign one set of foci a 'class' [e.g., motion] and another set of foci a different class [e.g., color], and then assign a distinct color to each class, you can view them in distinct colors by selecting Coloring Mode: Focus Class in the Foci Main Page.

To make the class assignments, you can either paste them in the Class column when generating the initial (or revised) spreadsheet (the fastest way) or you can enter the class one focus at a time using the Layers: Foci: Map Stereotaxic Focus option. For the latter, press 'Edit Number', then increment each number after entering the Class. IMPORTANTLY, you have to press the Apply button after each entry in order to save it; if you don't want to reproject the foci while you're making these entries, DE-SELECT the 'automatic projection of foci' button at the top.

thanks again,

p.s. I would spend more time to figure this stuff out myself but we are doing a TICS paper that is due in a couple of weeks and I want to use some figures like these.

I hope this works for you; I'd be interested in seeing a preprint (or at least the relevant figures) at some point in the future.

David VE


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