Antoine et al.,

John's comments are on the mark.

Subdividing cortex into different functional modalities is challenging to do in macaques, where there is a lot of experimental data, and even more difficult in humans. Nonetheless, because the issue is of obvious importance, I stuck my neck out and made a 'first-pass' estimate for a chapter that was published in 2004.

I certainly hope and expect that this map will be updated before too long, based on the outpouring of recent fMRI studies, but it is not an easy task and is not one that leads to sharp boundaries between different modalities.

David VE

On Apr 11, 2008, at 11:46 AM, John Harwell wrote:

Hi Antoine,

If you have paint selected as an overlay with modalities as the
selected paint column and press the "?" button, comment information is
displayed.  For the modalities, the comment is:

Cleaned up Right modalities (language, gustatory, olfactory) 27 Aug 2006
Motor revised; cognitive, emotion_limbic added (DVE 13 Aug 2006)
Visual (blue), auditory (red), somatosensory (green),
motor (purple), olfactory (brown). From:
Van Essen, D.C. (2002) Organization of visual areas in macaque and
human cerebral cortex. In: The Visual Neurosciences.
L. Chalupa and J.S. Werner, MIT Press (in press)

A preprint of the referenced article is available at 

Also in the PALS atlas is an areal estimation file with a modalities
column.  This is similar to a paint file, however, the boundaries
between regions are "fuzzy" to indicate the boundaries are estimated
and not exact.

My suggestion is that you read the referenced article prior to using
the modalities as an ROI.  I expect that Dr. Van Essen will reply at
some time with his opinion.

John Harwell

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
Washington University School of Medicine
660 S. Euclid Ave   Box 8108
Saint Louis, MO 63110

On Apr 11, 2008, at 11:05 AM, Antoine Aballéa wrote:

I'm using the 'PALS_B12.BOTH-HEMS.For Stereotaxic foci analyses'
spec file to draw borders in order to define RegionS of Interest. I
used the option "create borders from paint regions" and saw that
there was a paint region named "modalities - Right / Left Pals B12"
with, for instance, the Motor & Somatosensory modalities.
I was wondering how and from which data these modalities were
Is this something reliable that could be used to define RoIs?

Thanks in advance!



Antoine Aballéa, Doctorant Neurosciences

Centre de Neuroscience Cognitive
UMR5229 CNRS Université Lyon 1
ISC / 67 Bd. Pinel / 69675 BRON Cedex

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