Hi Andrew,

I'm not aware of a Caret feature that ensures uniform resampling, but the caret_command -deformation-map-apply and -deformation-map-create features do support non-uniform resampling. Simplify surface will just reduce the number of nodes; it doesn't ensure uniform spacing.

Have a look at AFNI/SUMA's IsoSurface command line utility.  The usage says:

  The code for the heart of this program is a translation of:
  Thomas Lewiner's C++ implementation of the algorithm in:
Efficient Implementation of Marching Cubes´ Cases with Topological Guarantees
  by Thomas Lewiner, Hélio Lopes, Antônio Wilson Vieira and Geovan Tavares
  in Journal of Graphics Tools.
The name suggests uniform node spacing, although I could be misinterpreting it.

The entire suite of AFNI/SUMA goodness awaits you at:


SUMA can read both Freesurfer and Caret formats, and probably the new GIfTI surface standard as well.


On 08/07/2008 04:03 AM, Andrew Reid wrote:
Hi all,

I need to get a uniform resampling of a cortical surface mesh. Caret has a "Simplify surface" command, however this appears to perform a selective resampling (i.e., preferentially removing nodes which carry less information), so this is not ideal for us. Is there another way to do this with Caret? I think that the deformation map process can also result in a resampled surface, but I'm not sure of the best way to do this.


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