Dear Caret experts,

I am using Caret for myelin mapping and I got first results for 4 subjects. After loading MyelinMapping.metric in Caret, for some of the subjects large areas are missing, both for left and right hemisphere, particularly in the occipital areas (i.e., the metric file seems to have missing values, however the corrected thickness metric displays values in these areas).

Registration of T2-to-T1 is fine. The ribbon.nii.gz file and the T1wDividedByT2w_ribbon.nii.gz seem fine as well, though the ribbon in the occipital areas has fewer voxels than other areas (probably because these areas are relatively thin), and I wondered if this may cause a problem for the final metric data.

The caret_command -myelin-mapping script reports rather high percentages of missing nodes : “Out of 113592 cortex nodes, 50.37% were zero and needed correction. When reconstructing discarded nodes, 68.88% were zero and not used”.

Thank you very much in advance for your time, any help would be very much appreciated!

Ruthger Righart

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