Did you remove the sform and qform at the beginning of the process (i.e.
before FreeSurfer)?



On 3/28/14, 9:04 AM, "Righart, Ruthger" <righ...@lrz.tu-muenchen.de> wrote:

>Dear Caret experts,
>I am working on myelin mapping but encounter errors in surface-volume
>registration, as previously reported in this list.
>I have removed oblique sforms from the t1.nii and t2.nii files
>(sform_code='0' and qform='1', the new headers have equal matrices for s
>and q).
>I have the impression that the first error occurs after the command:
>applywarp --interp=spline -i OrigT2w.nii.gz -r T1w.nii.gz
>--premat=T2w2T1wbb.mat -o T2w2T1w_translated.nii.gz
>Please find attached an fslview for the translated and non-translated
>images. The translated image is not centered and from the non-translated
>images a piece of the left hemisphere is cut-off (I wondered if this has
>anything to do with the coordinate space, Scanner Anat(1) or Aligned
>Anat(2) in the headers?). I would welcome your suggestions to solve this
>problem. I am working with Caret v5.65 on a Linux machine. Thank you
>very much in advance!
>caret-users mailing list

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