Actually, this is the one I meant to forward...

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Jennifer Elam" <>
> Subject: [HCP-Announce] Connectome Workbench v1.0 Released
> Date: September 10, 2014 5:22:28 PM CDT
> To: <>, <>
> News from the Human Connectome Project (HCP)
> September 10, 2014
> Connectome Workbench v1.0 Released
> The WU-Minn HCP Consortium is pleased to announce Connectome Workbench (WB) 
> version 1.0 brain visualization and analysis software has been released at  
>  for 
> 64-bit Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux (32-bit Windows is no longer supported).
> The Workbench distribution includes wb_view, a GUI-based visualization 
> platform, andwb_command, a command-line program for performing a variety of 
> algorithmic tasks using volume, surface, and grayordinate data.
> New features in WB v1.0 include:
> The “workbench” GUI executable has been renamed “wb_view”
> Integrated Help information in wb_view accessible through the “?” button
> Additions to capabilities for displaying matrix charts for parcellated 
> connectivity CIFTI files
> New border file format that carries structure and vertex count information 
> (see -file-convert or tutorial instructions for conversion of old format 
> border files)
> wb_commands "-nifti-convert" and "-cifti-convert -version-convert" have been 
> moved to "-file-convert", nifti convert arguments changed
> New viewing capabilities for asymmetric dense connectome CIFTI files, 
> multi-slice oblique volumes, and label data outlines
> With the release we have created a streamlined, updated WB v1.0 tutorial and 
> dataset featuring processed HCP 500 Subjects data that are available to 
> download 
> at and on 
> theConnectomeDB HCP project page. Access to the tutorial data requires 
> ConnectomeDB login and signature of the HCP Open Access Data Use Terms.
> To download the WB v1.0 source code from GitHub: follow the link, click 
> releases (near the top of the page), then under v1.0, click the “Source code 
> (zip)” or “Source code (tar.gz)” button .
> We encourage you to check out Connectome Workbench for visualizing and 
> performing analysis on imaging data from the HCP and elsewhere. Discussion of 
> Connectome Workbench usage, bugs, and features can be posted to the hcp-users 
> discussion list. Sign up for hcp-users 
> at
> Best,
> The WU-Minn HCP Consortium
> Jennifer Elam, Ph.D.
> Outreach Coordinator, Human Connectome Project
> Washington University School of Medicine
> Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Box 8108
> 660 South Euclid Avenue
> St. Louis, MO 63110
> 314-362-9387
> _______________________________________________
> HCP-Announce mailing list

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