Hi Pavel,

Map your volume as a Paint ROI volume, rather than as a metric.  Then use 
Attributes: Area Color to assign colors.  Save not only the resulting paint 
file, but also the area color file.  The paint file has the index to name 
mapping, while the area color maps name to color.

If you're not mapping volume to surface, but just want to change how the volume 
is displayed, then make sure you open the volume as a volume paint file and 
then try Attributes: Area Color.  See if there are any unnamed colors.

If you save your volume in wustl nil/ifh format, the ifh file can encode the 
index-name mapping; see 
http://brainvis.wustl.edu/pipermail/caret-users/2014-August/006199.html for 
gory details.


On Jun 10, 2015, at 11:25 PM, paspri...@gmail.com wrote:

> Dear Experts,
> please, help!
> Is it possible in Caret to color the map in accordance with my own ranges of 
> nodes values?
> I have SPM volume with 0s, 1s and 2s only. I want 0s to be uncolored, 1s - 
> red, and 2s - blue. 
> Thank you,
> Pavel.
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