Something picked up on by our penetration testing team is that, while the 
"HttpOnly" and "Secure" flags are present when setting the CAS cookies 
(e.g. CASTGC and CASPRIVACY), they are not present when the cookie is 

(Note: You cannot literally "remove" a cookie, you do so by setting it to 
an empty string)

This gets flagged up by some pen testing tools (such as OWASP ZAP) 
although, since the response cookie value is actually blank, no sensitive 
data can be disclosed to the client (in the case of HttpOnly) / 
man-in-the-middle (int the case of Secure). doesn't override 
#removeCookie() so the behavior from 
is inherited, which doesn't respect the HttpOnly /  Secure flags.

So obviously we can just override the cookie generator ourselves if we want 
to change this, but I was wondering if anyone has an opinion to offer on 
whether this should be done by CAS (or even Spring) instead?

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