
Out of curiosity, I’m wondering where CAS development currently stands with 
regards to:
Support for Multi-Factor Authentication, https://github.com/Jasig/cas/issues/572

We are approaching a point where we will have to implement multi factor 
authentication for some services, but not for all users nor all services, so we 
need some flexible solution where services can be informed the security level 
of the authentication.

In particular, currently we are running a Shibboleth IdP which delegates to CAS 
for authentication. We primarily use CAS protocol for in house development due 
to simplicity. Depending on CAS road map we may want to consider reversing that 
setup to run Shibboleth as the authenticating party in order to make 
multi-factor a feasible alternative at least for systems using SAML 2.0 and use 
a CAS server delegating authentication to Shibboleth for compatibility purposes.

Best regards,

Fredrik Jönsson, M.Sc.                          Email:  f...@kth.se
System architect                                        Phone:  +46 8 790 66 03
Kungliga tekniska högskolan (KTH)       Mobile: +46 73 595 66 03

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