
I am running CAS Overlay 4.1.9.  Instead of configuring CAS Authentication 
modules (JDBC/LDAP), I extend 
AbstractUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler, wrote my class and 
implemented authentication by looking up both database and LDAP for my 
business needs. I have attached some code below.

It works fine on single CAS server. The problem is when I am running two 
CAS server with memcached storing tickets. Authentication still works fine. 
The problem is with /serviceValidate call when looking up ST. 

If server 1 authenticates the user, generating TGT and ST, but server2 is 
the one handling /serviceValidate call (validate ST), I always get "Failed 
Fetching (Exception waiting for value) from memcached client.  But, if the 
same server, server 1, handles /serviceValidate, then that works. 

If I replace my MyCASAuthenticationHandler 
with org.jasig.cas.authentication.AcceptUsersAuthenticationHandler, which 
has the default "casuser/Mellon" credential, then the above works fine 
regardless of which server handles  /serviceValidate call.

This is very odd, as I cannot see how Authentication can affect 
/serviceValidate call, but it does, and I can consistently reproduce this.

What am I missing?

Our authentication needs to look up first database, get some value and with 
that, look up LDAP, no existing authentication module works that way. It 
seems reasonable to write my own authentication and it is very easy to do. 
But, apparently that somehow breaks /serviceValidate call when the call is 
handled by the server that does not perform the authentication.

Is there some kind of server side session variables and/or values that 
/serviceValidate will look up?


in deployerConfigContext.xml

    <bean id="questCasAuthenticationHandler" 
          p:ldapTemplate-ref="ldapTemplate"   />

     dataSource, userRepository and ldapTemplate are defined.       

public class MyCASAuthenticationHandler extends 
AbstractUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler {
LoginUserRepository loginUserRepository;
LdapTemplate ldapTemplate;

protected HandlerResult 
authenticateUsernamePasswordInternal(UsernamePasswordCredential credential) 
throws GeneralSecurityException, PreventedException {

                      // i look up database and ldap to authenticate user, 
I update database here for auditing, return below if authentication is 

                     return createHandlerResult(credential, 
principalFactory.createPrincipal(credential.getUsername()), null);

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