
As issues #2126 & #2127 are solved, this morning, another issue arises :
Yubikey MFA is bypassed when I use LdapAuthenticationHandler (via login
form), but not when I use Spnego ?? relevant cas.properties line is :


As far as I understand it should bypass MFA-Yubikey when the first auth
is done via SPNEGO, and enforce MFA with another type of auth. That's
what I need.

But on my test page, with login form I get this attribute :
successfulAuthenticationHandlers: *LdapAuthenticationHandler*

with SPNEGO : successfulAuthenticationHandlers:
JcifsSpnegoAuthenticationHandler, YubiKeyAuthenticationHandler

Then I modified the property to :


Now I have successfulAuthenticationHandlers: 
YubiKeyAuthenticationHandler, LdapAuthenticationHandler whe I use login
form, fine.
and successfulAuthenticationHandlers: JcifsSpnegoAuthenticationHandler
with SPNEGO, perfect :-).

but IMHO, bypass configuration option behavior is inverted.


Philippe MARASSE

Responsable pôle Infrastructures - DSIO
Centre Hospitalier Henri Laborit
CS 10587 - 370 avenue Jacques Cœur 
86021 Poitiers Cedex
Tel :

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