Thank you Rbon, 

I just try with maxage=-1
but session is stile alive without check rememberMe checkbox.
and a 
cas.ticket.tgt.rememberMe.timeToKillInSeconds=1350000 is generate . 

# cas.tgc.path=
# cas.tgc.domain=

# #remember me 31 days in seconds
# # Set to a negative value to never expire tickets

May be it's a bug?

Le mercredi 28 février 2018 18:24:17 UTC+1, rbon a écrit :
> Romain,
> You still need cas.tgc.maxAge=-1. No sure what the default is (may be a 
> couple weeks) but setting a cookie maxAge to less than 0 will cause the 
> cookie to be discarded by the browser when it closes. It will stay active 
> in the browser as long as the browser is open, the lifetime of the CAS 
> session can be managed with cas.ticket.tgt properties.
> Ray
> On Wed, 2018-02-28 at 00:27 -0800, vallee.romain wrote:
> Thank you all for your response.
> I'm surprised the TGC stays after the browser closes.
> For me, if we didn't check "Remember Me", we had authentication per 
> session and not a cookie.
> #cas.tgc.rememberMeMaxAge=1350000
> cas.tgc.encryptionKey=kGF9P2ZuU0ovlaCWxhiHix1bxH2pGfqlG5qGzqdxjY4
> cas.tgc.signingKey=K5yrl7ThQ5wwX8pbtEgdHF4aDuwUwFkHmhARzSRdNvNpXF1FFk_sYIgRHZZVJWdlMlGecQ-bePNlf0pexIzj2A
> cas.tgc.cipherEnabled=true
> # #remember me 31 days in seconds
> # # Set to a negative value to never expire tickets
> cas.ticket.tgt.maxTimeToLiveInSeconds=25200
> #cas.ticket.tgt.timeToKillInSeconds=7200
> cas.ticket.tgt.rememberMe.enabled=true
> cas.ticket.tgt.rememberMe.timeToKillInSeconds=1350000
> #cas.ticket.tgt.timeout.maxTimeToLiveInSeconds=1350000
> This is my new configuration.
> but the TGC cookie still remains after the closing of the web browser.
> In version 4.2 of jasig, if we closed the browser, the session was no 
> longer maintained.
> Le mardi 27 février 2018 17:23:57 UTC+1, rbon a écrit : 
> Romain,
> I guess cas.tgc.remeberMeMaxAge overrides cas.tgc.maxAge.
> If you want your session to end when browser is closed, leave out 
> cas.tgc.rememberMeMaxAge.
> Ray
> On Tue, 2018-02-27 at 00:09 -0800, vallee.romain wrote:
> Hello, 
> i try to setup jasig TGC for this use case :
> When i check rememberMe : 1 months without need to enter login.password
> When i don't check rememberme : 7 hours unless i close the brother . If i 
> close the brother, i would like to have login/password prompte at next 
> login.
> I think rememberMe if ok .
> But when i try to closed/open the brother, the session is already up .
> # cas.tgc.path=
> cas.tgc.maxAge=-1
> # cas.tgc.domain=
> cas.tgc.rememberMeMaxAge=1350000
> cas.tgc.encryptionKey=xxxxxxxxxxx
> cas.tgc.signingKey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> cas.tgc.cipherEnabled=true
> # #remember me 31 days in seconds
> # # Set to a negative value to never expire tickets
> cas.ticket.tgt.maxTimeToLiveInSeconds=1350000
> cas.ticket.tgt.timeToKillInSeconds=7200
> cas.ticket.tgt.rememberMe.enabled=true
> cas.ticket.tgt.rememberMe.timeToKillInSeconds=1350000
> cas.ticket.tgt.timeout.maxTimeToLiveInSeconds=1350000
> ##
> #Throttled Timeout
> ##
> cas.ticket.tgt.throttledTimeout.timeToKillInSeconds=28800
> cas.ticket.tgt.throttledTimeout.timeInBetweenUsesInSeconds=5
> cas.ticket.tgt.hardTimeout.timeToKillInSeconds=28800
> Have you got an idea ?
> Best regards
> Romain
> -- 
> Ray Bon
> Programmer analyst
> Development Services, University Systems
> 2507218831 | CLE 019 |
> -- 
> Ray Bon
> Programmer analyst
> Development Services, University Systems
> 2507218831 | CLE 019 | <javascript:>

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